The only real Palin is in Monty Python

Ever since Friday I've been alternating between mocking derision and panicked fear. What in God's name is McCain up to? Is it really as simple as looking to snatch up the Hillary voters? Or is there something more insidious going on?

I sincerely hope that the only reason Sarah Palin was chosen as the Republican vice-presidential nominee was to snare Hillary voters. If that's the case, there's little question that it will backfire, and do so in a very dramatic way. But that makes me wonder, is that the only reason? Is there something more to this?

Unfortunately, a couple things have led me to think that there may be. First, an offhand comment from a co-worker that this will energize the Republican base. At first I couldn't figure out what she meant, but then I got it: the Dems have their revolutionary candidate, now the GOP has their own! And short of nominating Ann Coulter, this is probably the only woman they could find that could seriously pull off the feat of energizing the conservative base with a minority nominee.

But then another commentary made me realize there's even more going on. In fact, Palin's apparent lack of experience and removal from politics may actually be the reason she was chosen. Any time Biden or Obama try to talk about "elitist" concepts (like, say, real health care or energy reform), Palin can play dumb and talk about how in her town of 9000 people they can't afford to worry about saving the Earth because they already pay too much in taxes.

In other words, they're trying to do it again: get the blue-collar, rural population to vote against their own self-interest because all of these high-falutin' ideals about universal health care, diplomacy, and energy policy have "nothing to do with real life." They're betting that just like they voted for the brush-clearing, born-again, plain-spoken Texan, they'll vote for the lipstick-wearing pitbull, mother of five, married to the oil worker, who managed to become Governor while still being a "Christian Woman."

God help us all if they succeed...


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