Somebody stop the world, I want to get off!

Seriously, is it just me or is there something terribly wrong with people on this planet?

First of all, why in the name of all that's holy (or not as the case may be) are we still hearing about Paris Hilton? Who the fuck cares how she's doing in jail? Who cares that she's in jail? She's a walking disaster area who needed to be locked up since apparently no one in a position to do so ever told her "no" to anything she wanted! I'm sorry, but I don't care how much money your daddy makes. You violate probation, you go to jail. Yes she should be in jail, no I don't want to hear about it any more. Please!

Next, Paul McCartney's latest album is being released on the Starbucks label. A coffee shop has a record label? If this isn't a clear sign that the recording industry is dead, I don't know what is. I also think it's a pretty clear sign that Sir Paul is dead too. Of course, he's been dead for years. No, wait, I'm thinking of the Beatles that actually had talent. They're the ones who are dead! That's right...

And of course, the perennial favorite. If I said the words "attorney general," "firing," "subpoena," and "testify before congress," in reference to current events, what year is it? That's right folks, 1973! Yours truly was a mere 16 days old, and events that would take place 33 years later were already playing themselves out. Why in GOD'S name are we not impeaching this madman? I commend to all of your reading United States V. George W. Bush et al.. We can get an indictment. He deserves it. What's stopping us?

So I'm sending out a plea to all those who lead the country and who keep us informed of what's going on. Stop pandering to celebrities, corporations, and political safety. Lead for a change. Help us all to stop wallowing in this ridiculous nonsense!


Doug said…
Here's a fun trick. Type "pa" into your google toolbar and see what top hit's come up first. You guessed it. Paris Hilton is #3.

"par" gives Paris Hilton at #1
"lin" give Lindsey Lohan at #6
"ols" gives Olsen Twins at #1
"a" gives American Idol at #2

See a trend here?

1st rule of teh Internetz: assume everyone online is a sweaty 40-year-old pervert living in his mother's basement.

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