When Marketing Goes Too Far...

This is wrong on so many levels. It's so wrong I wish I could embed it, but I'm afraid you'll have to just click the link:

Okay, aside from the fact that it's a marketing gimmick for Microsoft that looks like a children's book, and apparently you can actually get the book on Amazon, the book itself is just wrong on so many levels. I mean, did you notice that the one laptop is dead because the dog peed on it?

Sadly, I think that it's most likely aimed at people like myself who appreciate the subversive humor, but the problem is that people like me can also see through the marketing. And I for one kinda resent being played to so blatantly. I'm also a little disappointed in the consumerism of it. "Here, you already have three computers in the house, why not get a server now too?" I've already got our computers networked, and while my wife sometimes complains that she has to turn on the upstairs computer to print anything, I don't really want to spring for even the $80 to get a printer server.

Of course, it would be nice to be able to access my files at home from anywhere. And that would solve the problems of having to use jump drives from computer to computer in the house...

Aw crap, now I want one. Damn you Bill Gates!


Suddenly Human said…
Not to mention the sexist implication that only Daddy goes to work and only Daddy would know enough to buy a server for Mommy, who, by implication, stays at home with the server..

And BTW my work servers are anything but boring. In fact they frequently contribute to major adrenalin rushes, sometimes at 3 o clock in the morning.
Anonymous said…
Yup, that's the feeling I had too!
Doug said…
Hmm... So this is what a Ph. D. will do for you these days.

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